It has become somewhat of a tradition. On Wednesday, a glamorous evening was held at the Marina Bay Sands venue for ITB Asia’s buyers and VIPs. The special event took place at KOMA, Marina Bay Sands’ trendy Japanese restaurant, inspired by Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. In KOMA’s spectacular setting, guests were invited to enjoy a refined menu, with many choice of fabulous dishes and drinks. The event gave the ITB Asia News team an opportunity to speak with the hosts…
Dr Martin Buck, Senior Vice President, Messe Berlin GmbH, told us: “I am very happy to finally be back at this ITB Asia edition. After the pandemic years, it is great to see the show so lively with people cheering and mingling on the show floor. The energy is there for a strong rebound of the Asian travel world, and it’s a pleasure to be here to accompany it.”
Ong Wee Min, Vice President of Sales & MICE, Marina Bay Sands Pte Ltd said: “ITB Asia is close to my heart as I have been part of it since its very first edition in 2008, when we started our close cooperation with Messe Berlin to host the event here in Singapore. To see the hall again bustling with life this year, with all the exhibitors at the show, was a very emotional moment. The same kind of feeling that I had when the show opened its doors for the first time 15 years ago!”
Photos: Messe Berlin’s Dr Martin Buck and Marina Bay Sands’ Ong Wee Min